Monday, May 9, 2011

Its monday again""""

Well here it is monday again and I am posting. hmmmmmmm beginning to notice a habiit I have of posting on mondays. wonder why that is? Oh well I digress"
First of all the kindle is working out great! I have already managed to read four books ". Now I need to get back to some sewing. I have managed to get the top of the baby quilt up on the design board but not sure they are arranged the way we want them yet. Will compare notes with kerrie before I put them together.
Have also managed to finish another doll quilt top " It is ready to quilt.
Besides that we have been extreemly busy with church. It seems like every weekend lately we are having craft fairs, motorcycle rides for cancer , runs for cancer or barbeques to earn money for the new roof. andddddddd yestarday I decided enough was enough and started to straighten out my sewing room. I was sooooooooo good " even I couldn't belive it! I have this huge laundry type of bag hanging on my closet door that I am throwing all my little scraps in to get out of the way. then one day I will empty it out and cut them into manageable pieces. The other material I started folding neatly and stacking by color. after I got through several stacks I realized I have absolutely noooooooo where to put them. so I stopped. I think what I might do hopefully this week if time permits " is move everything out of my closet and store it out in the trailer which has become our storage unit ( very expensive storage unit) anyway since that is all it seems to be used for these days I might as well make room for shelving in my closet to stack my material on. That would open up a lot of room and make my sewing room soooooooo much neater. I have tried other methods but nothing has worked. This might even give me some extra space to clean out some of my overflowing bookcase. I know that when my sewing room is cleaned to where I can actually find what I am looking for " I am much more likely to sew. so wish me luck ' maybe it will get done this week!

Did everyone have a nice mothers day? I talked to all of my kids and the only thing that would have made it better is if they could have been here with me." I am sooooooo envious of all you people out there that get to have yours with you on special days like that. I miss so much" living so far away like we do".
O.k. I guess I had better finish this and get ready to go to work. you all take care untill we meet again!

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