Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday the seventeenth.

The church craft bazar went well yestarday" We were a bit worried because of the air show that was schedualed at the base as they expected well over three thousand people to attend But at the last minute thunder storms moved in so they had to cancel. problably a good thing they did because after that the tornado warnings started. one touched down in Raleigh and caused quite a bit of damage. Once I got home from church we were on tornado warnings most of the afternoon and evening. Anyway I got tirid of sitting there watching the news on them so went into my room and decided to play around with the kindle cover. before I knew  it" I had managed to get it completely finished.
I have also come to the conclusion that I really need to pick up a container for all of these cords. I have cameral cords, kindle cords, music cords ect. ect. I think I should get one gorgous box to keep all of them in and mark the name of each one so I know what they are for. O.k. guess I had better get through the rest of my mail so that I can get ready for church. take care untill next time"

1 comment:

Appalachian Mercantile said...

I need to make a cover for my kindle. Right now I just have the ugly leather one Hubs got me with it. :( Need a quilty one! :)
