Thursday, January 14, 2010

Back Again"

Well I am back again. Two posts in such a short time! Unusual for me lately. I saw a doctor because my knee kept buckling on me" and climbing stairs just about kills me. I apprently have what the call a bakers cist in the back of my knee. You don't want one! they are miserible little buggers. Anyway he has me on some pills to try and reduce the swelling so hopefully within the next couple of weeks it will improove. I swear I turned sixty and my whole body seems to be going to He--.
O.k. now for some good news! I made my granddaughter some pants with a matching tote and my daughter just emailed me a sequence of pictures when she got the package and opened it. I won't bore you by loading all of the pictures but will load one" She is just the cutesttttttttt little thing! Of course I have said that about allllll of my grandbabies! I think we are all getting such a kick out of this one because she was late and unexpected.
We just got home from an hour or so of shopping on base. The place was packed to day for some strange reason so it seemed like it took forever to pick up a few things and get home.
Tomorrow is friday!!!!!!!! I am really looking forward to getting off work and relaxing for a few days. I think that is about all there is right now so will close untill next time.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Quick post

Just a quick post as I am busy baking sugar cookies and baking a new bread recipe. Just had to show you a picture of our littlest grandbaby after she received her doll quilt from granny Linda I think from the big smile on her face that she approoves".
Now for the downside" I went in and had all my bottom teeth pulled this week there were thirteen of them. I have evidently inherited a receeding gum disease. Let me tell you if there is any way you can hang on to your teeth do itttttttttt. This is absolutely miserible. This happened on wednsday and this is saturday and I still am not able to chew anything. maybe I am rushing it but I would much rather have my own teeth. The bad part is that I have to go back in the twentieth of this month and do the same thing with my uppers. I am hoping that things will get more tolerible in the next few days.
O.k. Guess i had better get back to my bread. Take care Linda

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Happy New Years everyone! Would you believe I actually managed to stay awake for New Years this Year! I haven't done that in years! Woohoooooooooo

I woke up to my first email this morning from my daughter letting me know that I had won the pretty baby contest at my pincushion group! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh I am soooooooo excited! I never win these things! Can't wait to see the mail to find out what I won.

Well this seems to be a great way to start out the new year! Hopefully other good things will come this year". We have been busy playing in the kitchen and adding a few final details. Now we are discussing making a bakers rack to hang over the kitchen island. That would not only add more storage but would look wayyyyyyy cool! Hubby suggested making it out of pvc as we are in a prefab type of home and that would be light weight then we could spray paint it in a silver color. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm more to think about".

Ohhhhhhh would you like to see a picture of the kitchen island that he built?