Wow another fruitfull day! That makes two days in a row. I guess I am on a streak". I went to work on the miranda bag while trying to get my laundry done . It's back to work tomorrow.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
A fruitfull Sunday!!!!!!
Wow another fruitfull day! That makes two days in a row. I guess I am on a streak". I went to work on the miranda bag while trying to get my laundry done . It's back to work tomorrow.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
This is normally my laundry day but I woke up thinking potato soup because the weather is very drizzly today. Welllllllll wouldn't you know it" no potatoes in the house sooooooooo we made a trip to the store. a hundred and something later we are on our way home again. Have you ever noticed that whenever you walk into wallmart you always spend around a hundred dollars? or is it just us? Anyway hubby decided he would make some of his clamchowder with potatoes. I knowwwwww I should have taken a picture of it. take my word " It was awsomeeeee! Then I retirid to my sewing room and started a little wristlet bag that I had found on one of my bloggs that I like to visit It was sooooooo simple " I love this pattern. picture included. Would you believe that I just now noticed that I forgot to add the little wrist strap". Oh wellllll this was just a practice run anyway.
I also read a post on one of my quilting sites that someone had taken your local little black bag that you buy at wallyworld for .99cents to carry your groceries in and she had added a piece of fabric on the front to cover up thier logo so that she could use it anywhere she shopped and personalize it so that it didn't look like everyone elses. I thought hmmmmm I can do that! So you guessed it" I also bought one of those on our wallmart trip this morning. Here is the picture of how that came out.
And last but not least I baked a loaf of bread from a recipe I found on the net. The only drawback is that they tell you to leave it over nite as the taste is much better. well we did and hubby says it is great! I of course have yet to eat any as I had to save all my energy for the soup. This bread recipe called for raisins and since hubby isen't the least bit fond of raisins I decided to use some chocholate raspberry chips that I had on hand. O.k. I guess that is about all I have been up to lately. still working on another bag and waiting for the mail to come so that I can get started on the one I posted about the summer bag. right now I have cut out fabric for the miranda bag. Hubby says that is just what I need is another bag! Take care
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
whacky wednsday!!!!!!!!!!!
This is whacky wednsday! That is what they call it at school. The teachers all dress up in whacky clothing . pj's tops turned backwards. pants inside out" the kids just love it! Wish I had thought and would have taken my camera. maybe next time"
I convinced hubby that I needed to run to the fabric store yestarday to look for some summery type fabric for a bag I want to make to take with me when I fly back to Spokane this summer. Have any of you ever taken your hubbies inside a fabric store with you? welllllll let me tell you it can be quite the experience. Hubby kept following me around and asking me what I was looking for? well when I explained what I wanted he started pointing out this fabric and that fabric. I told him I will know it when I see it as it will hollar at me and sayyyyyyy take me home" He said will I be able to hear it hollar in case you don't? I cracked up! Mennnnnn ya gotta love em!
Anyway I did find the perfect flip flop material and a poka dot to go with it. I also wanted some yellow fabric for my pockets but got sidetracked getting a zipper and it completley slipped my mind. We finished shopping and then I took him out to Logans a local restaurant to eat. This place is so goodddddd It has the best food and atmosphere. They have a small metal bucket of peanuts on every table and you eat the peanuts while you are waiting for your order and throw the shells on the floor. they have a great fireplace in the middle of the room and they have windows surrounding the kitchen so that you can watch the chef cook your steaks. They also have yeast rolls made with honey that are to die for! I have decided that I need to get to the store and buy some yeast and some honey and make some myself. After that we returned home and I got a good start on my bag. everything is cut out but we have no joanns here and I need steam a seam 2 so have contacted my daughter to send me some. she is such a sweety!
Lets seeeeeeeeeeee what else have I been up too" ohhhhhhhhhh I have started a new quilt for my grandson Donald. The one I made for him years ago has apparently seen better days so I have started a square in a square quilt or at least I think that is what it is called. I will add a picture of some of the blocks. of course you know that when I add them they will go above the other picture. I hate that part of writting these bloggs. I wish they would go where they are supposed too.
O.k. wellllllll I am off again " will try and return soon. take care
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Ahhhhhhhhhh the weekend!
You take two 8 ounce pkgs. of cream cheese plus 2 eggs, 3/4 cups sugar, a teaspoon of vanilla and a teaspoon of lemon juice, mix all of that together in a mixing bowl. then take some cup cake holders and put into a cupcake pan. place a vanilla wafer in the bottom of each cup cake paper unless you want to be very daring and you can use an oreo on the bottom. which ever you use it is going to form your crust". Now you take your mixture and spoon it into the cups untill they are about 3/4" full. Now bake them in a preheated oven at 325 for about twenty minutes. pull them out and set them on a rack to cool. Once cooled open up a can of cherry or blueberry pie filling and spoon a little bit into the center of each cup. Now comes the hard part. put them into the fridgerator and let them cool for about two hours. Then you can take them out of their papers and arrange them on a plate and you have yourself a little piece of heaven. Hows that for a quick super easy yummmmmmmmmmy desert? I would like to thank whoevers blogg I got this off of but don't remember where it was. It is definately yummyyyyyyyyyyyy and very easy. I think it made around sixteen of them.
Besides that I managed to sew up a sewing bag for my buddy in Spokane. She likes pastels but I think once she sees this adorable sewing fabric she will like it anyway.
Other then that" all I managed to do was housework. tomorrow I will have to get to the kitchen floor yuckkkkkkkkkkk why can't I be rich and have a housecleaner and a workout trainer ect. Oh well back to reality. hope your day was as fun as mine was.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Another month""""""'
I also managed to get into my hairstylist today and get a much needed haircut. Don't you just hate it when your hair is hanging down your neck! I wore my hair long for most of my life and just recently decided that I needed to start wearing it short. welllllllllll I was always told that once you started wearing short hair you would probably never go back to long again. I think they were right because I tried too and it has been driving me crazzy.
We had something happen at work today that everyone who was born here is used too and I of course had no idea"''' As most of you know I work for the school system. I was in the kitchen preparing for lunch when someone came over the loudspeaker and announced that there had been a tonado warning. well I said guess if I hurry I can make it home. everyone laughed and said Linda you can't outrun a tornado. someone said why would you want to try. and I said welllllll if I am going to die I would rather be with someone I love" Wellllllllllllllllll one of my good cooking buddies Namely my boss says wellllllllllll that tells you what she thinks of us! I laughed and said ahhhhhhhhhhh I love you guys too but its just not the same! Anyway then I went to use the phone because I suddenly remembered that I had forgotten to call my beauty operator for a hair cut. One of the girls was listening in thinking I was calling my hubby to tell him I loved him and she went back and told everyone that I was in there calling my hairstlyist. That brought more laughter. O.k. it isen't over yet! A little bit later anouncer came over the loudspeaker and said there is a tonado in the area please proceed to your designated area nowwwwwww. well we all headed to the pantry and while we are sitting there amongst the pans, and boxes of cereal , ect, ect. I made the comment wellllll this is a heck of a place to be if a hurricane hits we are going to get hit in the head by all this flying debree". Everyone agreed and we discussed other things. Well I made the comment How soon will we know if it has passed? Welllllllllllll let me tell you everyone started laughingggggggggggg you see unknown to me" This is a drill that is performed every march several times because of tonado season. Nowwwww you knowwwwwww that I am never ever going to live this one down.
Once I got home I did manage to go to get my hair cut and she did a fantastic job. Don't you just love it when you find a great hairdresser! O.k. I am off to read a few emails and hopefully get some more sewing in. take care and have fun!