Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thrusday August 5th

O.k. will someone pleaseeeeeeeeeee tell where in the world the time is goingggggg?????? It seems like I just returned home and before you know it I will be back to school. The boss called and said we have to meet on the 18th for breakfast and then the 20th  for a luncheon. I suspect the second one is to meet the new principal. So curious to see what she is like and if there will be any changes with her in charge. We have a new kitchen this year so that will be a huge change in itself. before we were in the dark ages so this new one should take a lot of the heavy lifting off of us. or should I say continuous lifting. before we had a very small freezer so whenever you needed something it was usually to the back of the freezer which meant you had to unload the whole thing to get too it. This would go on and on all week long. wellllllllll now we have a decent size freezer with shelving units so it should make our lives much easier.

At the home front we have been working on the deck that hubby started while I was in Spokane. It is almost finished and I am loving it! we went out and bought two white rocking chairs which is almost a southern tradition but I love them anyway so they would have been here regardless, then we bought two other chairs that will relline back along with a table in between. After that I picked up a barbeque grill " Just a little one for the deck. hubby has a nice one out in the yard that seldom gets used but this way we will have no exscuse not to grill.
I already love sitting out there and reading books, doing saduko puzzles and bird watching. Its like having an extra room".

Now I feel guilty that I don't have anything to show as far as crafts. I haven't managed to get back into sewing yet and the only thing I have been doing is a little bit of chrocheting on my afghan.  Next time I hope to have pictures of the front deck and will try and remember to get a shot of the afghan too. And hopefully I will have something started in the sewing dept also. take care

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