Saturday, August 24, 2013

Its Saturday and I am actually getting a few things done. I finished my laundry yesterday instead of doing it today like I normally do. and instead I colored my hair. (long over due) I have been extremely lucky all these years and made it to 63 before my hair really started turning grey and then it was alllllllll at once! not nice" Wouldn't it be nice if we could all get pretty white hair or that awesome silver hair? noooooo not meeeeee I get the ugly greyyyyyyy hair. Well its strawberry blond now so I feel much better when I look in the mirror. It always amazes me what hair color does to change the way your eyes look.
Still no post on from my swap partner. maybe later on this weekend. looking forward to hearing whether or not she liked it. I have been laughing to myself as I don't understand anyone waiting to rip into a package. I am soooooooooo bad at that! even my kids know that if they want me to wait they better not send it early. I am like a little kid at Christmas.
Yestarday I managed to get a dresdon block put together. and I am in the process of appliqueing it down.
Have been playing with the lighting on my cameral. this one was taken outside and the next one was taken inside.
By the way have you ever tried to photograph humming birds? It reallyyyyyyy takes patience to wait until those little buggers stand still!

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